Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Today I celebrated my 28th birthday! My friend, Diana, came over in the morning and surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries! Thanks again Diana! In the evening the Shilo's came over and watched the boys while Matt took me out to dinner. I ended up boxing up half my dinner just to make sure I had room for dessert! The surprise Matt was making me turned out to be chocolate mousse cake! We use to go to a restaurant called Captain's Tavern down in Miami, and their chocolate mousse cake is amazing! We never left the restaurant without some. Even if we were stuffed after dinner we would order our cake to go! Matt got the recipe from the restaurant and made if for me! It was just as good as I remembered! Thanks honey!

Tyler 'helping' Matt make my cake!
Even Tyler, who is a chocolate snob and usually only likes chocolate milk, thought it was delicious!

Getting ready to go out.

A quick family picture before we left.

I forgot to take a close-up of the cake before it was served! For the record, there isn't any actual cake in the chocolate mousse cake! It's more like a mousse pie.


Kimberlee said...

Sorry I missed your birthday. :( I'm glad you had a good day. That cake looks amazing. That was so thoughtful of Matt to get the recipe and make it for you.

Vanessa said...

Okay so I don't know why but it never shows on my blog that you updated yours. So Sorry if my coments are always late. Your chocolate cake looks delicious. I wish I was there to steal a bite. But I am glad I am not, cause I really don't need it. Well 2 days down and 4 more to go, and hubby will be home. It would be fun to have you guys here, but we are coming soon. Can't wait to get to Florida, and see everyone. We miss you guys, thank you for always being so kind, I really cherish your friedship. Love you girl!

One proud Mommie said...

Happy Birthday and YUMMY!!!!!

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

Happy late birthday Diane!!! I was thinking about you last week while we were at Sea World at their sea lion show. I was trying to watch for the animals to misbehave, but I couldn't really tell! lol
It looks like you had a great birthday and Matt's cake looks delicious!!!