Monday, December 8, 2008

The joys of motherhood.

Tyler: I have a sore on my bum mommy.

Me: I'll have to put some cream on it.

Tyler: Kiss my bum mommy!

That's one sore that was not fixed with a kiss!


Hill said...

That's so funny! That is the joy of motherhood.

Delmonico Family said...

They are so cute! Riley is getting so big. I love the funny things they say, Tyler #2 had a rash too, and when I change him he says "Mommy be nice". It's so cute.

Rob, Brooke, Caleb, Sophie and Jake said...

That's so funny! Geez, Diane, I can't believe you wouldn't kiss your poor son's butt! lol j/k- my answer would have also been NO! :)