My OB had me get another ultrasound at 34 weeks to check on the size of the baby and we found out she was breech. I was told that a vaginal birth wouldn't be an option unless she turned. The decision was made to wait until 37 weeks and if she hadn't turned on her own my OB would try turning her. The only risk in waiting until 37 weeks was if my water broke before then there would no longer be the option to turn her.
Sunday night, November 21, my lower back was killing me and I joked that I just wanted the baby out already. I was only 36 weeks, so I doubted that would really happen. Little did I know I was about to get what I wanted! The next day I was sitting with the boys eating lunch and when I stood up to get Tyler something my pants were suddenly soaked. I went and sat in the bathroom. At that point I wasn't sure if my water had broke or I'd just peed my pants. As I sat there more liquid started trickling out and I was sure I wasn't peeing. I called my doctor's office and they told me to go straight to labor and delivery. We didn't exactly rush to the hospital, I was hoping most of my amniotic fluid would come out before we left so I took a shower and spent a lot of time sitting on the toilet! Having your water break is actually kind of annoying. It was interesting trying to get a hospital bag together while also trying not to make a mess everywhere! We finally left the house an hour later. I had put a heavy flow pad on before leaving and it was full before I got in the car. By the time we got to labor and delivery my shorts were soaked and I was leaving a trail on the floor. When I told the nurse at the check in desk I was pretty sure my water had broke she told me I'd have to go back down to triage on the first floor and get checked out before they could admit me. So Matt and I got back in the elevator and went down to the first floor. As I filled in some paper work a nurse was called to do the exam. I asked if I could get a towel just as the nurse walked up, and after taking one look at my soaked shorts she rolled her eyes and told the girl behind the desk that she was skipping the exam since it was pretty obvious my water had broke! After I was admitted an ultrasound machine was brought in, and despite my crossed fingers, she was still breech. My c-section was scheduled for 8:00. Madison Elizabeth Boyce was born at 8:13. She weighed 5 lbs 8 oz and was 17 1/2 inches long. We spent 3 days in the hospital and were released on Thanksgiving. Recovery this time around has been a lot harder! I told Matt that I'd rather give birth naturally with no epidural than have another c-section!
Madison is now almost 2 weeks old and she is such a good baby! She is tiny and we had to borrow some preemie clothes from a friend just so she'd have clothes that fit! Her brothers can't get enough of her. Tyler especially is so excited to have a baby sister. Riley loves holding her. Neither of them likes it when she cries, and Riley will immediately ask me to feed the baby. We have been blessed with lots of help from both our moms, so the transition from 2 kids to 3 has been pretty easy so far.
She is so cute!!! Is she still wearing preemie clothes? If so I've got a few cute ones she can have. We were given some for Sophie but she was too big for them when she was born so we weren't able to use them. I can't wait to get together and see each others babies in person!!
Diane, I loved reading your recent blog post. You guys are so cute. I miss you!
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