* For a month he refused to call Matt and I 'mommy' and 'daddy'. Instead we were Matt and Sweetie (that's what Matt calls me so Tyler thinks it's my name). He's pretty much stopped, but every once and a while he throws in a Matt or Sweetie.
* He has quite a few of his books memorized and he'll read to me when he's in the mood.
* Every morning he comes in my room to find out if it's morning time. As soon as I say yes he says, "Great, let's go get my brother!" He is not a fan of playing by himself and is enjoying his brother more and more.
* We were playing baseball one afternoon and Tyler was batting. In between pitches he was coaching himself saying, "Come on Tyler you can do it." It was so cute! He is a pretty good hitter.
* Lately when I discipline him or tell him no he will immediately respond with, "But I still love you mommy."
* It's been almost 4 months since I last nursed Riley, but the other day Tyler announced, "Mommy no milk is coming out of my beedies (that's what he calls boobs). No milk for Riley like yours."
* One night he told me he wanted to go to the tiger store and get donuts. I have no clue what store he's talking about so I told him I didn't know where the tiger store was. He tells me, "That's easy, it's far away!" Things are so much simpler when your 3!
* Lately he'll randomly tell me he loves me and give me a big hug. I love it! I hope he never out grows this phase!
I was thinking about this the other day, and cannot believe they will be 4 in just 4 months. It is sooooo sad. I can remember like it was yesterday when were all pregos. we miss you guys.
I am still laughing about the "beedies" thing!!!
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