*Her 3 favorite things are shoes, purses and phones. Shoes: If she sees a pair of shoes she WILL try them on. She never seems to get tired of dragging all my shoes out of the closet and trying each pair on! Those shoe holders at kids play places are torture to Madison, it's like putting an alcoholic in front of an open bar. I think she would be in heaven in a shoe store, but in order to avoid a meltdown when it's time to leave I'll wait and take her next time she needs a new pair of shoes! Purses: She LOVES purses! She found one of my small ones a while back and carries it around all the time. Anything she can put on her shoulder she will, ie- Tyler's lunch box, a plastic pumpkin, even underwear she's snatched from the boys drawer. Phones: Madison is constantly 'talking' on my phone. In fact she thinks every time I'm on the phone she is suppose to get a turn. Even if no one is on the other end she will either sit on the couch or walk around babbling away. She even pauses from time to time like she's listening, then starts babbling again. My favorite thing is when she's having these conversations and then starts laughing. It's amazing to see how much she mimics us!
*She is a complete mama's girl. She will get upset if I go upstairs without her, even if daddy is with her. She also cries if someone else puts her down for a nap, or to bed. Luckily she calms down pretty quickly once I'm out of sight.
*Her vocabulary now consists of dog (gog), duck (guck), go, hi, bye, please (peas), mama and daddy.
*She is now old enough for nursery at church, and so far it's been a hard transition for her. To put it mildly she is not a fan! Once she stops crying she will cling to one of the nursery leaders and won't let them put her down. I think she will be ok once she gets to know them.
*She loves to 'color' and she holds pencils and crayons the right way.
*She is always bringing me books, but is more interested in turning the pages than listening to the story.
She is stubborn and strong willed, but she's also a very sweet addition to our family and we love her!
She's so cute!!! Sophie is the same way with the phone- she loves to "talk" on it constantly! Then when Jake has it he'll hold it against the very back of his head and be like "Eh?" and we're like "sorry Jakers, not everyone can be smart" haha. But it is funny how much more observant girls are and how much better they mimic us!
We're going to be in Florida in August; lets have a play date if you're around!
She is adorable and perfect. I love your little family!
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