We are the Boyce Family - Matt, Diane, Tyler, Riley and Madison.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Has it really been 4 years?!?
The answer is yes! Tyler's birthday was March 28th. To celebrate we took him to see 'How To Train Your Dragon' and told him he could invite some friends. When I asked him who he wanted to invite he named every person he knows! He ended up having 4 friends come, which was a fun coincidence since it was his4th birthday! His birthday landed on a Sunday so we saw the movie the day before and saved cake and presents for the next day. Tyler was one happy birthday boy! Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate!
Jon, Tyler, Eddie and Gregory ready for the movie!
The movie was in 3D, but only Eddie kept his glasses on the whole time!
Tyler with all his friends.
Helping to make his cake.
He wanted a Transformers theme, and Bumble Bee is his favorite!
I can't believe he is 4 already! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were pregnant with him and we were walking my Dad's neighborhood every morning!!
I can't believe he is 4 already! It doesn't seem that long ago that you were pregnant with him and we were walking my Dad's neighborhood every morning!!
These pictures are so cute! Thats awesome that Tyler likes to hang out with his church buddies! :) I'm so glad you like to blog...I like it too!
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