Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uncle Clif

Tyler is at the age where things have one name, and one name only. He can only be called Tyler, Riley can only be called Riley, I think you get the idea. If I try to call him something else he immediately corrects me, and then says, "Say Tyler" until I do! With that said, here is a funny little story. One afternoon my dad was in the bathroom when my mom wanted in. When she asked him, by name, to open the door Tyler heard her and came running, all excited that uncle Clif was there. Well my dad and my brother have the same name, so you can imaging his confusion when my dad opened the door. Tyler turns to my mom and says, "Granny that not uncle Clif, that Grandpa!"

Even though my brother doesn't live with my parents, Tyler would still walk around their house in the mornings calling out, "Uncle Clif, are you?". He didn't get to stay at Clif's house this trip, but I'm sure it will be his favorite place to stay when he gets older!

Looking in the back yard for the football the dog stole.

Tyler found it!

I really like this picture of them.

Another person Tyler now has to share!

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